Explore Developments Magazine
Developments magazine is the voice of the timeshare industry with ARDA.
Insightful industry news-including trends, economic impact studies, business features, and member columns.
About Developments Magazine
Developments magazine speaks to the industry for the industry, representing the interests of vacation owners to ARDA's various constituencies: legislators, regulators, academics, financial analysts, sister organizations, and the media.
Developments magazine is published throughout the year. In each issue, you will find insightful articles on matters that directly affect you, your professionalism, your growth — and ultimately, your bottom line.
History of Developments Magazine
First published in 1978, Developments magazine has an established history of analyzing industry trends in timeshare, resort, and community developments. The magazine has long served as a forum for the industry to express ideas and concerns, and to address the constant changes in the industry.
In 2009, Developments magazine went digital, allowing readers access to the magazine online and in print. This move allowed for increased circulation and supported sharing of articles via social networking and email.
About ARDA
The Washington, D.C.-based association, founded in 1969, maintains strategic alliances with counterparts in Europe, the Caribbean and Latin America, Canada, South Africa, Argentina, Mexico, and Australia. Learn more about ARDA.
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