Timeshare Sales Increased Significantly in Q2 2021
According to the latest Q2 Pulse Report, net originated timeshare sales (net of sales incentives and rescissions) including telesales increased 827.7 percent from Q2 2020 - QTD to Q2 2021 - QTD, increasing from $155.5 million to $1,442.3 million. The significant increase in sales is reflective of the timeshare industry recovering from the impacts of COVID-19 that were primarily observed beginning in the second quarter of 2020.
The report also compared the net originated sales volume between Q2 2021- YTD, Q2 2020 – YTD and Q2 2019 – YTD. The 13 respondents that provided sales information for Q1 2021 – QTD as previously reported and Q2 2021 – QTD herein reported an aggregate amount of approximately $2,375.4 million in net originated timeshare sales (including telesales) in Q2 2021 - YTD. This was a 68.7 percent increase when compared to Q2 2020 – YTD and a 29.3 percent decrease when compared to Q2 2019 - YTD.
Source: 2021 Q2 Pulse Report conducted by Deloitte for the AIF