Type of Timeshare Owned
According to the 2018 United States Shared Vacation Ownership Owners survey, about two in three timeshare owners own a week at a timeshare resort or with a timeshare company (66%), and approximately two in five own vacation points (41%). In addition, more than one in ten owners own a share at a fractional resort/Private Residence Club (12%).
More than half of respondents (52%) reported owning their timeshare with a single-site timeshare company. About 47% reported owning their timeshare with a company that develops or manages multiple timeshare resorts. The 2018 AIF Owners Study was conducted among over 1,600 timeshare owners online by Leger.
Source: United States Owners Report: Shared Vacation Ownership 2018 Edition, conducted by Leger for the AIF